Monday, December 31, 2007

Jerk Off Lawyer Keys Marine's Car

I could not pass this up. This jerk off deserves what ever comes to him. All service members, retired or active duty, unite! SEMPER FI!

From Blackfive:

This ought to make your blood boil. And this Marine should receive a commendation for not kicking the living crap out of the guy...seriously.
Marine Sgt Mike McNulty is on activation orders to Iraq (second tour). On December 1st, 2007, Mike went to visit a friend in Chicago before deploying to say goodbye. In order to get to his friend's residence, and keep in mind that Chicago is a myriad of diagonal and one-way streets, the front entrance (right way) to the one-way street was blocked. Mike, being a Marine, overcame and adapted by driving around the block to the other end of the street and backing up all the way to his friend's place.
While saying goodbye, at about 11am, he noticed a man leaning up against his car. Mike left his friend's apartment and caught the man keying his car on multiple sides. The rest is here.

Any suggestions on how to legally go after this guy? Could someone in Illinois report him to the Illinois Bar?

Friday, December 28, 2007

What should be the U.S. Response to the Bhutto Assasination

What should the U.S. do in response to the Bhutto assassination? Unfortunately, our options are limited. President Bush has already renounced the assassination. Following are the options as I see it:

1. Do not undermine Musharraf. Even though he is a dictator, he is the most stable person we have at this time. We have no choice but to continue to help him stabilize the country. Any attempt to undermine him will just throw the country into more chaos.

2. Offer to aid Pakistan in the search for the assassins. Offer Special Forces units to work with Pakistan's military to hunt down and capture the people behind this. If they are caught, give all of the credit to the Pakistan military.

3. Strengthen our alliance with Pakistan by offering to help rebuild areas destroyed by the riots. Make sure most of the work is done by local Pakistanis.

4. Try for a stronger Military alliance with Pakistan. Try to negotiate adding more troops to help the Pakistan Military root out Taliban and Al Queda forces. Of course the military and intelligence agency are probably infiltrated with Taliban and Al Queda, so these agents will need to be rooted out.

5. Encourage Pakistan to keep on with the elections. We should do everything in our power to encourage democracy in Pakistan.

This is my opinion on what needs to be done. Of course you know what they say about opinions...

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas

To any or all who read this blog, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas. May God bless you in the new year. May God fill your heart with praise for sending the gift of his only son for the forgiveness of our sin.

Election Blues

I've been burned out on politics lately. I have not had much interest in any of the candidates. I do follow the news, but find myself apathetic about any of the campaigns. I can't support any of the Democratic candidates. Most of the Republican field are better than the Democrat field, but I am not excited about any of them. Ron Paul is a loon. Huckabe, Rudy, and Romney are all pretty much RINO's. McCain pisses me off. Duncan Hunter can't seem to get his message out, and Thompson is barely campaigning. The only two I really like are Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson. So I sit back and watch, and hope. I hope a true conservative wins the Republican nomination and goes on to win the geneal election.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Marriage is a gift to be treasured

Today, at the church we have been attending, Renea and I renewed our marriage vows with about 100 couples during the morning service. It was the culmination of a series on marriage that our pastor had been preaching on for the past 4 weeks. As we recited our vows to each other, I realized how blessed I have been being married to Renea for over 24 years.
Don't get me wrong, our marriage hasn't been perfect. We have gone through a lot of hard times along with the good times. but we always got through them. I have always believed that marriage is a gift to be treasured. Renea and I promised each other before we were married to always try to work through our problems. We promised each other to never get a divorce. So far , we both have kept that promise.
As we go toward our 25th year of marriage, we have renewed our vows. Our covenant to love and cherish each other till death do us part. God grant that it be so.

Monday, May 7, 2007

What are the odds that anyone could be found alive among the Rubble?

Defying all odds, someone was found alive among the mounds of debris in Greensburg, Kansas Emergency Management Agency spokeswoman Sharon Watson told The Eagle this afternoon.More

Bittersweet Find in Rubble 1 found alive, 2 more dead in twister carnage
Ray of hope tempered by tragic discovery as residents of Greensburg, Kan., sift through ruins

This is wonderful news, for as you can see from this video, the destruction of Greensburg was massive!

Resident returned to their homes this morning to vie the dasmage.I am posting this slideshow from Kansas news.

Wichata Kansas city Manager George Kolb and Police Chief Norman Williams were heading over to Greensburg this morning to find out what they could do to help.the people of greensburg have a massive undertaking on their hands...

Parts of Greensburg had to be evacuated again today. David Sternbenz, an official with the Topeka Fire Department, said rescuers were working to shore up a slight leak on a 30,000-gallon rail car carrying anhydrous ammonia, a tank damaged in the tornado, as seen here

From the kansas storm reporters blog, Greensburg blog, you can read about personal experiances...

Greensburg was named for stagecoach driver D. R. "Cannonball" Green. He once ejected Carrie Nation from his coach after she snatched a cigar from his mouth and tossed it away.