Monday, December 31, 2007

Jerk Off Lawyer Keys Marine's Car

I could not pass this up. This jerk off deserves what ever comes to him. All service members, retired or active duty, unite! SEMPER FI!

From Blackfive:

This ought to make your blood boil. And this Marine should receive a commendation for not kicking the living crap out of the guy...seriously.
Marine Sgt Mike McNulty is on activation orders to Iraq (second tour). On December 1st, 2007, Mike went to visit a friend in Chicago before deploying to say goodbye. In order to get to his friend's residence, and keep in mind that Chicago is a myriad of diagonal and one-way streets, the front entrance (right way) to the one-way street was blocked. Mike, being a Marine, overcame and adapted by driving around the block to the other end of the street and backing up all the way to his friend's place.
While saying goodbye, at about 11am, he noticed a man leaning up against his car. Mike left his friend's apartment and caught the man keying his car on multiple sides. The rest is here.

Any suggestions on how to legally go after this guy? Could someone in Illinois report him to the Illinois Bar?

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